Welcome to Beattie's Library Media Center
Welcome to Beattie's Library Media Center
Where learning is fun under the pyramid!
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:15AM - 4:30PM
(Shortened Schedule - 8:15AM - 1:30PM)
Mrs. Brubaker - Teacher Librarian
Mrs. Brubaker is the teacher librarian at Beattie Middle School. Come in and tell her what you are reading or learning. You can always contact her at: jana_brubaker@redlands.k12.ca.us
Mrs. Cesar - Library Paraprofessional
Mrs. Cesar can help you locate the book you want or assist you with computer needs. You may contact her at marissa_cesar@redlands.k12.ca.us
1. Great reasons to be in the library: READ, LOOK FOR BOOKS, WORK ON HOMEWORK, and DO RESEARCH.
2. Eating and drinking should be done outside of the library. NO EATING, DRINKING, OR GUM CHEWING is permitted.
3. Talking and working together is encouraged, but voices should be kept QUIET.
4. Be respectful of all students, adults, and library materials.
5. Computers are to be used for school purposes only.
6. ID cards are required to check out books.
7. Backpacks should be left by either of the doors or by the table you are working at. Please do NOT hang them on the back or set them on top of the chairs.
8. Books and Play-Aways (books on MP3 players) may be checked out for 30 days. You may check out up to 3 books at one time. If you are not finished with a book before it expires, you may renew!
Please remember to return your books on time!
1. Students are held accountable for the exact books, identified by barcode, that are checked out to them.
2. Your textbooks are EXPENSIVE! The sets range in value from $240-$300! Please keep them away from pets, younger brothers and sisters, and liquids, as you will be charged for any damage that occurs to the books while under your care. You will also be charged for any lost books, so make sure you know where they are!
Unfortunately, we do not have enough textbooks to offer a second set to students. If you are a student who travels between homes, here are some helpful options:
* Some textbooks are available online. Click here to go to our "How to Access Your Online Textbooks" page.
* You may purchase a second set of books from a reliable website like www.amazon.com or www.alibris.com